Intended for healthcare professionals

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Feature Christmas 2018: Heart of the matter

Is it time to start using the emoji in biomedical literature?

BMJ 2018; 363 doi: (Published 12 December 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;363:k5033

Rapid Response:

Re: Is it time to start using the emoji in biomedical literature?

Rather than using emojis to convey information, health practitioners should rather learn to communicate clearly and legibly so that others reading their notes can understand the information they are communicating.

We must always remember that our notes are not just a formality and that if we put something down on paper, it is intended that someone else will read it and understand it later. Therefore we must always write legibly (and it is not difficult, it simply requires a determination to do), and not use unnecessary abbreviations and jargon.

And when changes are made (for example to medications) a simple one-line note stating "I did x because of y" would make it so much easier to later figure out why things were done rather than chasing doctors and them trying to remember.

Competing interests: No competing interests

26 December 2018
Leopold E Hamulczyk
Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia