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Under 16s are at highest risk of being stabbed going home from school, UK study finds

BMJ 2018; 363 doi: (Published 07 November 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;363:k4721
  1. Susan Mayor
  1. London

Children under 16 are at the highest risk of being stabbed when going home from school, a large UK study has found.1

“The period immediately after school accounts for a large proportion of [stabbing] incidents in children, and these predominantly occur close to home and school,” said the researchers, led by Paul Vulliamy, from the Centre for Trauma Sciences at Queen Mary University of London.

“This represents an opportunity for targeted preventive strategies,” they said.

The study retrospectively analysed data on all patients aged under 25 presenting to the emergency department of a large trauma centre in London from 2004 to 2014 after deliberate stabbing.

To investigate the epidemiology of knife violence in specific age …

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