Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Health in Gaza

Gaza shootings: an orthopaedic crisis and mass disability

BMJ 2018; 362 doi: (Published 13 August 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;362:k3295
  1. Nafiz Abu-Shaban, plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  1. Shifa Hospital, Gaza
  1. nafiz2000{at}

Further to Summerfield and colleagues’ correspondence on the situation in Gaza,12 I respond as head of plastic and reconstructive surgery in the country. The death and injury toll is still rising—as at 18 May, 117 were dead, including 13 children, and 12 271 injured. 6760 have been hospitalised, including 3598 with bullet wounds. Nineteen clearly identified medics have been shot.3

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