Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Rise in mortality in England and Wales

Rise in mortality—when will the government take note?

BMJ 2018; 361 doi: (Published 25 June 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;361:k2747
  1. Lucinda Hiam, general practitioner and honorary research fellow1,
  2. Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder professor of geography2,
  3. Martin McKee, professor of European public health1
  1. 1London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
  2. 2University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
  1. lucinda.hiam1{at}

In March, we raised concerns in The BMJ that more than 10 000 extra deaths had occurred in the first seven weeks of 2018, compared with the average of the past five years.1 As mentioned in our previous rapid response,2 Jeremy Hunt was asked on 20 March 2018 in the House of Commons: “During the first seven weeks of 2018, 10 375 …

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