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Surgical procedures: plans to standardise access in London are being rushed through, says BMA

BMJ 2018; 361 doi: (Published 30 May 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;361:k2391

Rapid Response:

Re: Surgical procedures: plans to standardise access in London are being rushed through, says BMA

Where in the NHS is it good practice to do hip or knee replacements without first seeing whether symptoms respond to first line treatments such as weight loss and exercise? Which orthopaedic surgeons want patients to be referred if they are not prepared "to discuss surgical treatment options"? Where in the NHS is it seen to be good practice to do hip or knee operations if the patient's osteoarthritis is not causing a "substantial impact on quality of life"? Surely these are normal aspects any GP considers prior to referral. I am surprised that the BMA is challenging good practice guidelines.
No wonder the NHS is struggling!

Competing interests: No competing interests

14 June 2018
Chris C Gunstone
GP (retired)
East Lothian, Scotland