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Adam Kay: Mirth partner

BMJ 2017; 359 doi: (Published 22 November 2017) Cite this as: BMJ 2017;359:j5227
Duncan Smith


Adam Kay, 37, is a doctor who left medicine to become a comedy performer and scriptwriter—interests he combined in This is Going to Hurt, a book about his experience as a junior doctor (Picador, 2017) that has spent more than five weeks on the Sunday Times bestseller list. While reading medicine at Imperial College London he and Suman Biswas cofounded Amateur Transplants, singing medical parody songs. His humour defies categorisation, ranging from writing jokes for Mrs Brown’s Boys to performing topical songs on Radio 4’s The Now Show. Leaving medicine made his mother cry, he claims, though not as much as coming out to her. Would he go back to medicine? No—and not only because his regular use of …

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