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Restoring balance to “best interests” disputes in children

BMJ 2017; 358 doi: (Published 02 August 2017) Cite this as: BMJ 2017;358:j3666

Rapid Response:

Re: Restoring balance to “best interests” disputes in children

This sort of discussion and decision making is extremely complicated and may be unequivocal. I agree with the statement that awareness of all the clinical detail and understanding the arguments is essential for participation in such kinds of discussion. The balance between privacy and publicity is very important. The child's sake should have first place. I'd say: as much privacy as possible at the same time without limiting the circle of real experts and authorities who may be really helpful.

Competing interests: No competing interests

03 August 2017
Yuriy Korzhynskyy
Chairman of Pediatrics and Neonatology Medical University Lviv
Lviv Children's City Hospital
Danylo Halytskyy Lviv National Medical University, Pekarska str 69, Lviv 79010, Ukraine