Intended for healthcare professionals


Chief clinical information officers: clinical leadership for a digital age

BMJ 2017; 358 doi: (Published 10 July 2017) Cite this as: BMJ 2017;358:j3295
  1. Harpreet Sood, associate chief clinical information officer,
  2. Keith NcNeil, chief clinical information officer,
  3. Bruce Keogh, national medical director
  1. NHS England, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to: H Sood hsood{at}

These new roles need autonomy, authority, and a fully accredited career path

As we cross the midpoint for the NHS Five Year Forward View, and with the publication of this year’s “Next Steps” plan,12 its implementation remains critical to the delivery of sustainable high quality healthcare in the UK. A key to successful implementation is the use of digital technology and informatics, both of which help foster innovation. Last year, a report commissioned by the secretary of state for health from Robert Wachter, an American clinician-informatician, made recommendations to help accelerate the introduction of health information and communication systems, with a particular focus on engaging and training the workforce, especially clinicians.3

His review recognised that the NHS in England currently lacks clinicians with the necessary skills in healthcare improvement and redesign of care enabled by digital health and informatics.3 We need to develop such leaders to help realise the full potential of modern digital technology and avoid the …

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