Intended for healthcare professionals


UK must stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia in light of bombings of Yemeni health facilities, says charity

BMJ 2016; 354 doi: (Published 27 September 2016) Cite this as: BMJ 2016;354:i5261
  1. Jacqui Thornton
  1. London

The charity Medact has called on the UK international trade secretary, Liam Fox, to suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia to prevent further bombing of healthcare facilities in the conflict in Yemen. Fox, who studied medicine in Glasgow and worked as a GP in Buckinghamshire before entering politics, is now responsible for licensing arms sales in his ministerial role.

Campaigners from Medact, a charity for health professionals focused on global health improvement, and other doctors and health professionals have appealed to Fox as a doctor to think of the health of Yemeni people, the brutal attacks on clinicians, and his duty to “first do no harm.” They cited evidence that British arms were being used to …

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