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Hospices still outperform hospitals on quality of care at end of life

BMJ 2015; 351 doi: (Published 09 July 2015) Cite this as: BMJ 2015;351:h3776
  1. Ingrid Torjesen
  1. 1London

Bereaved people in England rate the care provided by hospitals at the end of their relative’s life lower than that provided by hospices, care homes, and services in the community, show the results of a survey published by the Office for National Statistics.1

Overall, 75% of bereaved people rated the quality of care of their relative or friend in the last three months of life as outstanding, excellent, or good and 10% as poor, found the annual national survey of bereaved people, VOICES (Views of Informal Carers—Evaluation of Services).

However, quality of care was rated lower when the patient died in hospital than when they died in other settings: …

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