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Is a smoking ban in UK parks and outdoor spaces a good idea?

BMJ 2015; 350 doi: (Published 25 February 2015) Cite this as: BMJ 2015;350:h958

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Re: Is a smoking ban in UK parks and outdoor spaces a good idea?

Is smoking ban is a ban or boon to society is like double edged weapon that cannot be answered in a very simple answer. Even with pro- and anti stand on this issue substantiated by scientific studies will never provide a clear cut guideline. This is a social issue which has to be dealt by the individual in a community. The individual has to be trained and taught to develop a mindset that will guide him or her to take a stand on a particular issue. Smoking is one such issue that an individual must decide depending upon the facts and figures available in the publications put out by the public health system. The decision taken on this habit forming issue has to be voluntary and spontaneous. There will be many more such issues like alcoholism , sexual abuse, environmental pollution and adverse social actions that affect our natural environment.
Such issues need social responsibility inculcated by societal members to save our health and even our planet from our own doings. So a ban on smoking in public places is a social responsibility of every citizen that a citizen or community must decide. Such decisions need to be voluntary and not forced by law or regulation.

Competing interests: No competing interests

28 February 2015
Dhastagir S Sheriff
Faculty of Medicine, Benghazi University