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Hospital food can be improved only by legislation

BMJ 2013; 347 doi: (Published 19 December 2013) Cite this as: BMJ 2013;347:f7300

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Re: Hospital food can be improved only by legislation

Interestingly this article talks about adequate nutrition but commences by noting concerns with some hospitals’ sustainability policies. There are many hospitals that are providing a more positive experience based on the need to provide a healthy food experience based on the principles announced by Jeremy Hunt in 2012.

But this article is a useful reminder that food in hospitals has an important role to play in care and treatment of patients but also as role models for healthier lifestyle for patients, staff and visitors – something that the public and private sector should also play their part in terms of customers and staff.

Jenner welcomes Government Buying Standards for Food (1) which set clear criteria for food procurement and service and are a model for wider public and private sector catering. Scarborough et al (2) reported that in 2006-07, poor diet-related ill health cost the NHS in the UK £5.8 billion. Choosing lower salt, saturated fat and sugar ingredients and products will help the population live healthier lifestyles without having to change the kinds of meals they are choosing and would help reduce the cost to the NHS as a result of poor diet. Hospitals, like other public and private sector organisations, should play their role. Public Health England will shortly be publishing new guidance to help organisations choose, cook and serve healthier and more sustainable food. We are supplementing this guidance with 5 workshops across England and will be developing tools to support organisations and caterers meet the challenge of healthier and more sustainable catering. Importantly, we will be celebrating action from government, the wider public sector, universities) and others. For more information on these workshops see

1 – Government Buying Standards for Food and Catering Services.
2 - Scarborough P et al. The economic burden of ill health due to diet, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol and obesity in the UK: an update to 2006-07 NHS costs.
J Public Health. 2011;33(4):527-35.

Competing interests: No competing interests

16 January 2014
Louis B Levy
Civil Servant, Nutrition Advice
Alison E Tedstone
Pubic Health England
133-155 Waerloo Road, London SE1 8UG