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Feature Diabetes Drugs

Has pancreatic damage from glucagon suppressing diabetes drugs been underplayed?

BMJ 2013; 346 doi: (Published 09 June 2013) Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f3680

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Re: Has pancreatic damage from glucagon suppressing diabetes drugs been underplayed?

Cohen's investigation article is having a huge public impact not by chance.

It greatly impacts on Bad Pharma practices that were recently well described here in the BMJ, which seem to be being heavily applied in so called incretin-based therapies for diabetes and also obesity(1).

The drug industry’s business plan for diabetes follows a familiar pattern:
(1) Conduct questionable research and control the original data.
(2) Schmooze the politicians, health regulators, and patient groups to suggest undertreatment and need for “urgent action.”
(3) Recruit tame diabetologists, massage them with cash, and get them to present at marketing events that masquerade as postgraduate education.
(4) Pay doctors to switch to newer drugs in dubious international postmarketing“ trials.”
(5) Seek endorsement from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence to bully doctors to treat diabetes aggressively with drugs.

And so the complexities of diabetes are reduced to simply lowering blood sugar(2).

These doctors advocate all kinds of expensive overtreatments with polypharmacy of anti-hyperglycaemic drugs even against All Null effects of aggressive or Intensive glycaemic control on major type 2 diabetic complications(3).


1. Bad medicine:the way we manage diabetes.:BMJ2013;346:f2695
2. Complexity and Clinical Care. BMJ Volume 323 22 September 2001. 685-688.
3. The Idolatry of the Surrogate. BMJ 2011,343:d7995.

Competing interests: No competing interests

03 July 2013
Jose Mario Franco de Oliveira
Associate Professor of Medicine
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Rua Senador Vergueiro # 2 apt. 202