Intended for healthcare professionals


Doctors pledge to spread evidence based healthcare in Africa

BMJ 2013; 346 doi: (Published 17 January 2013) Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f356
  1. Anne Gulland
  1. 1London

Insecticide treated bed nets to prevent the spread of malaria and male circumcision to prevent HIV infection are just two of the evidence based healthcare measures that should be more widely used in Africa, doctors say.

Last month doctors from nine African countries, alongside European colleagues, met in Rwanda to sign the Kigali declaration (web extra), which urges governments, non-governmental organisations, and healthcare professionals to implement evidence based healthcare.

The declaration is the brainchild of the Collaboration for Evidence Based Healthcare in Africa, a partnership founded by the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam in association with a group of African clinicians.

The …

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