Health secretary announces plan to overhaul “disjointed care” delivered by GPs
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: (Published 24 May 2013) Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f3432All rapid responses
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I am sure that Mr Hunt's diagnosis is correct; since 2004, we have had discontinuous Primary care in England as a result of "complex " management agreements by a previous administration.
As an informed insider and a patient, I fail to understand why the out-of hours' cover was deleted from a revised lucrative GP contract. Totally irrational?
Competing interests: No competing interests
Effective pay cut in the recent years and proposing further pay cuts in the coming near future. How would this act as an advertised if he would like to increase the number of GPs? (In fact when significant number of GPs are taking retirement OR planning to retire.)
Last thing GP profession need is start taking responsibility for 24 hour care.
In the speech he mentions GPs are busy with ticking biomedical boxes, wasn’t this work thrusted on primary care by the Government? (Of course it was not his party.) They continue to tweak the QOF year on year, which only increase the workload further.
It’s interesting to see these proposed changes from a health minister who in his job for less than a year. It might help if he really starts listening to those who are on the ground, instead of just doing dummy listening exercises and coming up with new changes which don’t fit in the current system where GPs are running to stand still due to unprecedented changes.
Competing interests: No competing interests
Re: Health secretary announces plan to overhaul “disjointed care” delivered by GPs
So, the health secretary wants us to focus on the patient and stop ticking pointless boxes. Is this the same man who has dramatically raised Qof targets while shortening the qualifying intervals? Has he been reading Des Spence?
Let us hope this is like St Paul on the road to Damascus, so that we can indeed focus on the patient rather than on the computer screen.
Or could it be just another piece of cheap doctor bashing for the daily mail brigade?
Competing interests: i am a gp