Editor's ChoiceDownload PDF The view from space BMJ 2012; 345 :e8605 (Published 19 December 2012) PDF Permission EditorialsDownload PDF When managers rule BMJ 2012; 345 :e8239 (Published 19 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Dirty, deluded, and dangerous BMJ 2012; 345 :e8330 (Published 18 December 2012) PDF Permission Everyone could enjoy the “survival advantage” of elite athletes BMJ 2012; 345 :e8338 (Published 13 December 2012) PDF Permission ResearchDownload PDF Why Rudolph’s nose is red: observational study BMJ 2012; 345 :e8311 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Open Access Using a dog’s superior olfactory sensitivity to identify Clostridium difficile in stools and patients: proof of principle study BMJ 2012; 345 :e7396 (Published 13 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Open Access Mind wandering and driving: responsibility case-control study BMJ 2012; 345 :e8105 (Published 13 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Open Access Pain over speed bumps in diagnosis of acute appendicitis: diagnostic accuracy study BMJ 2012; 345 :e8012 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Open Access Nutritional content of supermarket ready meals and recipes by television chefs in the United Kingdom: cross sectional study BMJ 2012; 345 :e7607 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Open Access Building a metaphor: Another brick in the wall? BMJ 2012; 345 :e8302 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses A shaggy dog story BMJ 2012; 345 :e7751 (Published 13 December 2012) PDF Permission The tooth fairy and malpractice BMJ 2012; 345 :e3027 (Published 13 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses SportDownload PDF Mortality in former Olympic athletes: retrospective cohort analysis BMJ 2012; 345 :e7456 (Published 13 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Open Access Survival of the fittest: retrospective cohort study of the longevity of Olympic medallists in the modern era BMJ 2012; 345 :e8308 (Published 13 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses What football teaches us about researching complex health interventions BMJ 2012; 345 :e8316 (Published 16 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Evolution Of PracticeDownload PDF Gastroscopic painting BMJ 2012; 345 :e8323 (Published 18 December 2012) PDF Permission Push, pull, squeeze, clamp: 100 years of changes in the management of the third stage of labour as described by Ten Teachers BMJ 2012; 345 :e8270 (Published 19 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Bringing surgical history to life BMJ 2012; 345 :e8135 (Published 18 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses The Lives Of DoctorsDownload PDF Doctors on television: analysis of doctors’ experiences during filming of a documentary in the workplace BMJ 2012; 345 :e8220 (Published 19 December 2012) PDF Permission An early British case of neuromyelitis optica (1850) BMJ 2012; 345 :e6430 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Is it time for an evidence based uniform for doctors? BMJ 2012; 345 :e8286 (Published 18 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Yesterday's WorldDownload PDF Revisiting the harem conspiracy and death of Ramesses III: anthropological, forensic, radiological, and genetic study BMJ 2012; 345 :e8268 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Toilet hygiene in the classical era BMJ 2012; 345 :e8287 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses John Collins Warren (1778-1856): An American surgeon in London BMJ 2012; 345 :e8251 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Placebos in 19th century medicine: a quantitative analysis of the BMJ BMJ 2012; 345 :e8326 (Published 18 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Open Access Surgical thimbles BMJ 2012; 345 :e8447 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Barbara Hepworth’s hospital drawings BMJ 2012; 345 :e8529 (Published 19 December 2012) PDF Permission Thoughts For TodayDownload PDF Using speed of ageing and “microlives” to communicate the effects of lifetime habits and environment BMJ 2012; 345 :e8223 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses All in this together: the corporate capture of public health BMJ 2012; 345 :e8082 (Published 17 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Learning from the abolitionists, the first social movement BMJ 2012; 345 :e8301 (Published 19 December 2012) PDF Permission Tomorrow's WorldDownload PDF Can I take a space flight? Considerations for doctors BMJ 2012; 345 :e8124 (Published 13 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Case report of E.T.—The Extra-Terrestrial BMJ 2012; 345 :e8127 (Published 18 December 2012) PDF Permission Responses Back to top