Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Psychoanalysis debate

Case against psychoanalysis in modern mental health services was unsubstantiated rhetoric

BMJ 2012; 344 doi: (Published 14 March 2012) Cite this as: BMJ 2012;344:e1773
  1. T David Simpson, child and adolescent psychiatrist and psychoanalyst1
  1. 1Institute of Psychoanalysis and Tavistock Clinic, London, UK
  1. david{at}tdsimpson

Salkovskis and Wolpert argue that psychoanalysis has no place in modern mental health services and make several damaging statements about its value.1 These include: that psychoanalysis resists the notion of outcome evaluation—“it makes no attempt to diagnose the patient’s condition, and does not recognise schizophrenia, or others with a genetic cause”; that “no attempt is made to find a cure”; and …

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