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Cambodia’s AIDS strategy could fail without sustainable financing

BMJ 2010; 341 doi: (Published 21 December 2010) Cite this as: BMJ 2010;341:c7301
  1. Peter Moszynski
  1. 1London

Despite Cambodia’s success in driving down numbers of HIV infections, a new report on the future of the disease in the country argues that further success is not guaranteed and that the government needs to focus on prevention and assume more of the financing of its AIDS programme.

Written by Cambodian experts working with the Results for Development Institute, a non-profit organisation in Washington, DC, that aims to help accelerate social and economic progress in low and middle income countries, the report finds that in a best case scenario Cambodia could reduce the incidence of HIV to 1000 people a year in 2031—down from an estimated 2100 infections in 2009 and …

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