Quality Improvement Report
Using care bundles to reduce in-hospital mortality: quantitative survey
BMJ 2010; 340 doi: (Published 01 April 2010) Cite this as: BMJ 2010;340:c1234Data supplement
Web Extra
Extra figures, tables, and examples of care bundles supplied by the author
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Data Supplement - Central line sepsis bundle sheet
- Data Supplement - Care bundle – COPD management
- Data Supplement - Care bundle – diarrhoea and/or vomiting
- Data Supplement - Care bundle – heart failure
- Data Supplement - Care bundle - MRSA
- Data Supplement - Care bundle – sepsis resuscitation
- Data Supplement - Care bundle - stroke
- Data Supplement - Cusum charts for 13 targeted diagnoses
- Data Supplement - Change of HSMR at NWLH compared with England
- Data Supplement - Diagnoses leading to top 25 causes of death, 2006-7
- Data Supplement - Observed and expected deaths for 56 HSMR diagnoses 2006-7 and 2007-8
- Data Supplement - Observed deaths, expected deaths, SMRs for targeted and non-targeted diagnoses
- Data Supplement - Change of HSMR from 2006-7 to 2007-8 at the three sites that form NWLH
- Data Supplement - Care bundle – community acquired pneumonia
- Data Supplement - Care bundle – central line asepsis
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