Nick A Francis, Christopher C Butler, Kerenza Hood, Sharon Simpson, Fiona Wood, Jacqueline Nuttall et al
Francis N A, Butler C C, Hood K, Simpson S, Wood F, Nuttall J et al.
Effect of using an interactive booklet about childhood respiratory tract infections in primary care consultations on reconsulting and antibiotic prescribing: a cluster randomised controlled trial
BMJ 2009; 339 :b2885
Understanding respiratory tract infections in primary care
I would recomend that the use of antibiotics can be reduced more
easily a)by explaining that viruses,the usual cause of respiratory tract
infections do not respond to antibiotics,and b)in that the symptoms are
caused by an inflammatory process,the use of anti-inflammatory treatment
will actually cut short the duration of what can often be long drawn-out
symptoms, thereby reducing parent pressure for antibiotics.
Competing interests:
None declared
Competing interests: No competing interests