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What a timely reminder that humans as an animal species differs from
the rest of the living creatures on this Earth by great difficulty to see
the objective reality (sometimes also called the truth). Human thinking
is based on concepts and not the facts. Often to our detriment. With all
this access to information and knowledge, we are not living in the age of
information, rather, we are living in the age misinformation. It makes me
think, sadly, that human species is not homo sapiens, it is homo
As the most intelligent species, we are prone to hubris and self-deception. We
tend to equate our intelligence with honesty, rationality, and infallibility,
although our history is replete with quite the opposite. We seem to forget that
life is often overwhelming, and that we are constantly tempted by escapism. So
as we advance our science, technology, and belief systems, we must be humbly
mindful of our many shortcomings and question our assumptions about reality.
Let’s remember the insightful words of T.S. Eliot, who said,”Humanity cannot
bear very much reality."
Re: Rationality and Reality
Dear Editor,
What a timely reminder that humans as an animal species differs from
the rest of the living creatures on this Earth by great difficulty to see
the objective reality (sometimes also called the truth). Human thinking
is based on concepts and not the facts. Often to our detriment. With all
this access to information and knowledge, we are not living in the age of
information, rather, we are living in the age misinformation. It makes me
think, sadly, that human species is not homo sapiens, it is homo
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None declared
Competing interests: No competing interests