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Student Reviews

Dans Le Noir?

BMJ 2008; 336 doi: (Published 01 April 2008) Cite this as: BMJ 2008;336:0804175
  1. Sadat Edroos, ST1 core medical training1
  1. 1Colchester General Hospital, Essex CO4 5JL

Have you ever lost your sense of smell? Or temporarily not been able to taste? Have you ever lost your sense of touch? Or had a problem with your hearing? We rely on our senses for every interaction with the world. They are by their very nature taken for granted, and any loss, however transient, can lead to a drastic change in a person's life. But the ability to switch senses off remains in the realm of fantastical comic books and specialist neurology wards.

Until now. Dans Le Noir? is a concept restaurant, transported from Paris to London. It serves …

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