Intended for healthcare professionals

Student People

Engaging with society

BMJ 2008; 336 doi: (Published 01 February 2008) Cite this as: BMJ 2008;336:0802071
  1. Tiago Villanueva, general practitioner registrar1
  1. 1USF Tornada, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal

Nazia Peer is a medical doctor reading for a master of laws degree in the legal aspects of medical practice at Cardiff University. In 2006 she was awarded the Nelson Mandela scholarship, which recognises the leadership potential of young South Africans. She published her first novel, House of Peace, in 2005 and has written an award winning short story. Tiago Villanueva finds out more

Do you think medical students should learn about medical law?

It should become a necessity. Doctors work in an environment that exposes them to legally binding situations with every patient. These have important consequences and cannot be ignored as they were in the past. In terms of good healthcare practice, doctors need to understand their patients and their rights, as well as their own. Medical law should be an essential part of health education, especially in a country where we want to improve levels of health care.

Why did you come to the UK to study medical law?

We have a lot …

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