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Picture quiz: A child with multiple fractures

BMJ 2007; 335 doi: (Published 01 November 2007) Cite this as: BMJ 2007;335:0711417
  1. William Asher, final year medical student1,
  2. Mark J Curtis, consultant orthopaedic surgeon2
  1. 1University of Manchester
  2. 2Kingston Hospital, Surrey

A 3 year old boy presented with injuries after tripping and falling at home. His parents observed the incident and gave a history of a low impact fall. On examination he was distressed and clearly in pain, with bruising, tenderness, and deformity of both the left upper limb and right lower limb. He had a temperature of 37.8 degree C, his pulse rate was 110 beats/min, and his respiratory rate was 25 breaths/min. On auscultation, heart sounds were normal. Also, the patient had blue sclera and brown-grey discolouration of his teeth.

Plain radiographs are shown in figs 1 and 2. His parents reported that there is a family history of this condition, as shown by the pedigree in fig 3.

Fig 1

Anteroposterior radiograph of the left arm

Fig 2

Anteroposterior radiograph of the right femur


  • (1) Describe the abnormalities in figs 1 and 2.

  • (2) What are the differential diagnoses?

  • (3) Bearing in mind the likely diagnosis, what type of inheritance is shown in fig 3?

  • (4) If the boy's parents were having another child, what would be the chance of the child inheriting the condition?

  • (5) What abnormalities would blood tests show?


  • (1) Fig 1 shows fracture of the midshaft of the humerus, with about 60 degree …

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