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Student People

An inspiring academic

BMJ 2007; 334 doi: (Published 01 February 2007) Cite this as: BMJ 2007;334:070273
  1. Victoria Nowak, fourth year medical student1
  1. 1Royal Free and University College Medical School, London UK

Chris Huang is an inspiration for medical students and doctors wishing to pursue an academic career. His fascination with science began before he started medical school and developed as he trained. He is professor of cell physiology at the department of biochemistry at Cambridge University. Victoria Nowak caught up with him

What attracted you to a career in academic medicine?

It was scientific curiosity and an interest in human biological problems. As my research developed, my interests broadened to the translation of such work to solve problems in clinical medicine.

Is there anything about academic medicine that you now know that you wish you'd known as a student?

The decision to go down the academic pathway cannot be taken lightly. There are more career uncertainties and possibly less material reward than for someone who opts for a purely clinical career. Looking back, the potential for long term career disappointment is higher if the research does not turn into tangible contributions.

Have you ever been tempted to leave academic medicine?

So far I …

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