The mysterious death of Francesco I de' Medici and Bianca Cappello: an arsenic murder?
BMJ 2006; 333 doi: (Published 21 December 2006) Cite this as: BMJ 2006;333:1299All rapid responses
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In reply to your letter we would like to comment as follows.
DNA analysis was performed using microsatellite DNA
methodology. It was carried out by two different laboratories that
analyse ALSO modern DNA. They are ISO 9001 certified
laboratories whose performance and quality are beyond
discussion. All the recommendations of the International Society
for Forensic Genetics have been followed, including analysis of
negative controls. A “laboratory designed for ancient DNA
manipulation” is strictly necessary in the case of mitochondrial
DNA which is particularly prone to contamination. In our case
nuclear DNA was available which was fairly well preserved.
Competing interests:
None declared
Competing interests: No competing interests
Dear Professor Sweeney, we had already observed what You say.
It is very difficult to find a document in which Mons.Baldovinetti
states the hours of death in digital form ( 04:00).
Mons.Baldovinetti was probably used to calculate hours according
to the Canonic system wich means twelve hours beginning at
dawn and ending at sunset, and the hours where numbered as
first hour, second hour and so on.
In the description of Mons.Baldovinetti there are 3 main points :
- 4° and 5° hora di notte ( 19 october)
- Martedì mattina (20 october)
- Intervallo di circa 12 hore ( gap of about 12 hours)
Now if you have a look in the enclosure you can realise the
correspondence of the hours; you must take into consideration the
division between daytime (D) and nighttime ( N).
In a separate mail, we are going to send You the complete
explanation in Excel.
Competing interests:
None declared
Competing interests: No competing interests
Dear authors:
In the notes to your article, you mention the document, the Book of
Marriages and Deaths, Year 1587, kept by Monsignor Bernardo Baldovinetti,
that states that His Serene Highness Francesco, Grand Duke of Tuscany died
between 04:00 and 05:00 on the 19th October 1587, and that la Serenissima
Gran Duchessa Bianca died at 15:00 on 20th October 1587. The document
states that consists of an interval of twelve hours.
According to my calculations, that would make an interval of some
twenty-three hours, not twelve hours. How did you compensate for the
discrepancy in your work?
I am a China scholar, and in traditional China, time was measured in
double-hours. Thus, each day consisted of twelve double-hours.
Was this true of Italy in 1587? If so, would this explain the
Kind regards,
Jack Sweeney
Competing interests:
None declared
Competing interests: No competing interests
I’ve read with interest the article of Mari et al. It deals with the
cause of death
of Francesco I de’ Medici and Bianca Cappello, the grand-ducal couple of
Florence died in 1587.
In their very intriguing paper the Authors affirm that “acute poisoning
arsenic was the cause of death of Francesco I de’ Medici and Bianca
in contrast to previous theories that attributed their deaths to malaria”.
Indeed, they accurately report the historical fonts that led them to
the hypothesis of arsenic poisoning and extensively describe the
methodologies and calculations applied to obtain the arsenic
in soft biological tissues (collected from the remains of the broken
jars containing, according to historical data, the viscera of Francesco I
Medici and his wife), and in a fragment of femur and in a beard hair of
Francesco I (collected from the grave of the Grand Duke).
By contrast, the Authors very shortly describe the DNA profiling of
the ancient
biological materials analysed. They briefly say that the DNA profiling of
two of
the samples collected within the terracotta jars has “extremely high
degree of
similarity” with the DNA of the small skin fragment found attached to the
beard hair of Francesco I and the DNA profiling of a third sample
only its female origin”.
DNA profiling represents an extremely important and fundamental
element in
order to assign the ancient human remains the correct identity and to
the question who were the victims of the hypothesised arsenic murder (the
starting point to develop all the plot!).
Surprisingly, in their article the Authors do not report the methodologies
applied to obtain DNA profiling (i.e. by evaluating microsatellite loci or
mitochondrial DNA regions) and the kind of analysis used to calculate the
degree of similarity.
Moreover, the Authors do not describe conditions (i.e. physically
work area) and methods applied to perform DNA extraction from ancient
biological materials (i.e soft tissue and bone) and to test the quality
(i.e. PCR
products size) and quantity (i.e. by real time PCR) of the ancient DNA
recovered. They simply say that DNA was extracted from a “small” skin
fragment attached to the beard hair of Francesco I. Why DNA extraction was
not performed from the fragment of femur? This could have allowed for the
possibility to repeat the results by using DNA deriving from a distinct
a fragment of bone whose surface can be also treated to reduce the
of contaminants (i.e. human DNA, bacterial DNA, etc). Indeed, the results
were not duplicated with different DNA preparations nor validated with
independent replication in different laboratories.
Overall, the Authors do not provide any information, nor cite any
about methods and criteria adopted for ensure and validate the
of the results obtained from ancient DNA analyses. Considering that
obtaining authentic DNA sequences from ancient human remains presents
extreme technical difficulties due to the small amounts of DNA, quite
degraded, along with the exceptional risk of contamination (1), how can
exclude to have obtained results from DNA contaminants?
As principal investigator of the research unit devoted to molecular
paleopathology investigations within the project “Paleogenetics and
paleopathology of the Medici family: infectious diseases and tumours in
XVI-XVIII centuries”, founded by the Italian Ministry of University and
Research (2), I am aware that ancient DNA studies represent a powerful
that can be used to obtain insights into the past (3) and that these
studies are
quite appealing for medical readers. However, a number of problems exist
this field that are not often properly taken into account and a rigorous
scientific approach should be used in order to obtain reliable results
Finally, I believe that questions exist as to how reliable the
conclusions of
Mari’s paper are. As the Authors appropriately say “it is highly probable
these soft tissues were among those extracted from the body of Francesco
but this is not enough to rewrite the historical reconstruction of the
death of
Francesco I de’ Medici and his wife, Bianca Cappello.
1. Cooper A, Poinar HN. Ancient DNA: do it right or not at all. Science
2000; 289:1139
2. Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale (PRIN), grant 2005, prot. N°
3. Ottini L, Lupi R, Falchetti M, Fornaciari G, Mariani-Costantini R,
LR. Molecular paleopathology: a novel perspective for biomedical history.
Secoli 2005; 17(1):181-91.
4. Gilbert MTP, Bandelt H-J, Hofreiter M, Barnes I. Assessing ancient DNA
studies. Trends Ecol Evol. 2005; 20:541-544
Laura Ottini, MD
Chair of History of Medicine
Department of Experimental Medicine,
University of Rome “La Sapienza”,
V.le Regina Elena, 324,
00161 Rome - Italy
Competing interests:
None declared
Competing interests: No competing interests
In my quality of scientific director of the Medici Project (1,2) I
feel bound to comment this article, which is important for various
historical aspects.
In brief, the key of the entire study seems to be “a few beard hairs
with one small fragment of skin tissue still attached”, which made it
possible to establish a “high degree of similarity with the DNA” of three
different pieces of “dry, thick, and crumbly material … collected within
the broken terracotta jars” in the crypt of the church of Santa Maria a
Bonistallo near Florence. On this basis, the Authors claim that it is
“highly probable that these soft tissues were among those extracted from
the body of Francesco I at autopsy”.
These results are by no means possible, simply because Francesco I
appeared, at re-exhumation carried out in December 2004, totally
skeletonised and disarticulated in the small zinc coffin used to re-bury
the skeletal remains of the Grand Duke after exhumation in the 40’s, and
the skull showed no traces of soft tissues, skin or beard!
Moreover, the Authors do not provide any information about the method
adopted for identification of the ancient DNA (microsatellites,
mithocondrial DNA?) or about the molecular size of the DNA fragments, nor
do they explain whether the DNA extractions were performed in a laboratory
designed for ancient DNA manipulation (where modern human samples are not
processed!). On the contrary the published data is consistent with
contamination by modern DNA and, consequently, the hypothesis of arsenic
poisoning is also to be rejected.
Furthermore, owing to the very frequent use of arsenical mixtures in
embalming and visceral processing by the contemporary surgeons (3), it is
impossible to establish whether the high arsenic concentrations in the
specimens were obtained in vita or after death.
Finally, some “minor” but not less important questions should be
asked regarding the findings in the crypt of the church of Santa Maria a
Bonistallo: is there an archaeological report on the excavations and on
the stratigraphic position of the “broken terracotta jars”? Were the
fragments examined – and dated – by a post-medieval archaeologist? This
information is very important because the two small crucifixes, typical
of 18th and 19th century, are clearly more recent than October 1587, date
of the alleged murder.
In conclusion, the article “The mysterious death of Francesco I de’
Medici and Bianca Cappello: an arsenic murder?” quite appropriately
finishes with a question mark!
References: 1. Fornaciari G, Brier B, Fornaciari A. Secrets of the
Medici. Archaeology, 2005; 58: 16-19. 2. Fornaciari G, Vitiello A,
Giusiani S, Giuffra V, Fornaciari A. The "Medici Project": First Results
of the Explorations of the Medici Tombs in Florence (15th-18th centuries),
Paleopath Newsl, 2006; 133:15-22. 3. Marinozzi S, Fornaciari G. Le mummie
e l'arte medica: per una storia dell’imbalsamazione artificiale dei corpi
umani nell’evo Moderno. Roma: Medicina nei Secoli, Supplemento, n.1, 2005.
Competing interests:
None declared
Competing interests: No competing interests
Re: The mystery of beard hairs
Dear Editor,
In reply to the letter “The mystery of beard hair” of Prof. Gino
Fornaciari, we would like to comment as follows.
The small skin fragment, not larger than 2 mm in diameter, was
discovered and removed by one of the authors (EB) from the
maxillary bone of Francesco I. This happened before the
intervention of paleopathologists in the exhumation, to be precise
while Prof. Fornaciari was dutifully talking, as scientific director of
the Medici’s project, with the press. Actually, Prof. Fornaciari
should remember that later that morning some organic material
different from bones (he defined it a “tendon or cartilage fragment”)
was also discovered in the coffin, but at that time it was not
collected for DNA analysis, because nobody expected that it could
be compared with viscera, not yet discovered. In addition, it is
more than plausible that, even after complete ossification, small
skin fragments may still remain on bones. The skin fragment had a
couple of hairs still attached. Other few hairs were collected by EB
and DL under the skull, on the bottom of the small zinc coffin
containing Francesco I bones.
DNA analysis was performed using microsatellite DNA
methodology. It was carried out by two different laboratories that
analyse ALSO modern DNA. They are ISO 9001 certified
laboratories whose performance and quality are beyond
discussion. All the recommendations of the International Society
for Forensic Genetics have been followed, including analysis of
negative controls. A “laboratory designed for ancient DNA
manipulation” is strictly necessary in the case of mitochondrial
DNA which is particularly prone to contamination. In our case
nuclear DNA was available which was fairly well preserved.
The organ fragments discovered in Bonistallo were presumably
collected during the autopsy of Francesco I and Bianca Cappello,
that is BEFORE any POTENTIAL embalming procedure was
carried out on the corpses. In addition, there is no evidence that
preserving fluids were used on viscera and, even if used, no
evidence that they contained arsenic. Actually, if any
arsenic-containing preserving fluid was used, we should have
likely found much higher arsenic levels in the organs.
The biological fragments were found in a small hollow (40 cm
width) under the floor of the Church of Bonistallo: the hollow was
full of masonry debris, mixed up with stones, dating back to
previous investigations (quoted by Saltini-1898; Mons. Landini
1903; 1950). In this context two matching crucifixes (whose design
is referable to the time of the Granducal couple’s death) were also
found which, in our opinion, are strongly suggestive of our
discover, but their dating has no influence and does not
compromise the identification of the organic fragments.
It is more than logical that, when an important scientific finding
clashes with the deep-rooted beliefs of historians, the debate
catches fire reaching levels not always at scientific height. It is
worth mentioning, to this regard, the endless controversy, still
unresolved, on the supposed arsenic poisoning of Napoleon.
Competing interests:
None declared
Competing interests: No competing interests