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Student Careers

How to build an impressive CV

BMJ 2005; 331 doi: (Published 01 September 2005) Cite this as: BMJ 2005;331:0509330
  1. Kanchan Sharma, medical student1,
  2. Anand Sharma, SHO in Community Padiatrics1
  1. 1Guy's, King's and St. Thomas School of Medicine, London

Developing your CV may not be your idea of an exciting evening's entertainment, but it is essential for any job application. Kanchan Sharma tells you how to stay ahead of the pack

The first few years of medical school have flown by, and before you know it, it is your final year at medical school. Exams are looming, the pressure is mounting, and then, to compound matters, you have to apply for foundation jobs. This is probably the first time that you have ever needed to complete a medical CV or application form, and the last thing you want is to have nothing interesting to write. A CV should be able to grab a reader's interest sufficiently for them to call you for interview, or even offer you a job.

The key to building an impressive CV is to start as early as possible. It is far easier to rack up CV points as you go along rather than try and get them all in a rush, right at the last minute. So even if you are in your first year, it is helpful to have an idea of when and where you might pick points up.

CVs versus application forms

Most deaneries have now adopted an application form in preference to CVs for entry on to foundation training programmes (foundation programmes are two year programmes of general training that bridge medical school and specialist or general practice training). The difference between CVs and application forms is that application forms are more discriminatory between candidates. On the one hand, a CV is highly personal and is written to focus on a person's strength but gives no information about the attributes that they may lack. On the other hand, an application form is standardised and easily comparable between candidates while also providing information about a …

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