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Student Careers

15 minute interview: Kata tonic

BMJ 2005; 330 doi: (Published 01 June 2005) Cite this as: BMJ 2005;330:0506241
  1. Katariina Jarvi, preregistration house officer1
  1. 1Walsgrave Hospital, Coventry

Zoe Campbell was born and raised in Nottingham. She took up karate at the age of 8. She is the current ladies world karate champion, having won numerous medals along the way. She obtained a first class biochemistry degree at Birmingham University before becoming a postgraduate student at Leicester-Warwick Medical School. She works as a house officer at Walsgrave Hospital, Coventry

Why karate?

I was a really hyperactive child. I had done lots of other things such as gymnastics and ice skating, but mum couldn't find enough for me to do, so at the age of eight I started karate training four to five times a week. However, I didn't stop doing my other sports such as netball and athletics, which I played at national level while growing up. I also enjoyed football, which I continued at university.

What's your current training programme?

I train twice a day when I'm coming up to a major competition, probably six days a week. My morning …

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