Intended for healthcare professionals

Student Careers

Tips on… Theatre etiquette

BMJ 2005; 330 doi: (Published 01 May 2005) Cite this as: BMJ 2005;330:0505197
  1. Kaji Sritharan, research fellow1,
  2. Vivian A Elwell, senior house officer2
  1. 1Imperial College of Medicine, London
  2. 2surgical rotation, St Mary's Hospital, London

Theatre is uncharted territory for many. Here are a few basic tips to help keep you out of trouble.

  • Read the patient's notes and about the operation beforehand - you may be quizzed

  • Before you enter theatre change into scrubs, theatre shoes, hat, and mask, and clearly display your identification badge

  • Introduce yourself to theatre sister, the surgeons, and the …

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