Young people's health: the need for action
BMJ 2005; 330 doi: (Published 14 April 2005) Cite this as: BMJ 2005;330:901Data supplement
Trends in indicators of adolescent health over the past two decades
Inpatient and daycase bed use by adolescents 12-19 years in the UK, 1999
- UK Data Archive. National study of health and growth, phase I: 1972-1976 (years 1-5). Colchester: University of Essex, 2004.
- UK Data Archive. National study of health and growth, phase III : 1982-1994 (years 11-23). Colchester: University of Essex, 1994.
- Boreham R, Shaw A. Drug use, smoking and drinking among young people in England in 2001. London: Stationery Office, 2002.
- Statistics on smoking: England, 1978 onwards. Stat Bull (National Statistics, UK) 2000;17:1-36.
- Social Exclusion Unit. Teenage pregnancy. London: Stationery Office, 1999.
- McClure GM. Suicide in children and adolescents in England and Wales 1970-1998. Br J Psychiatry 2001;178:469-74.
- Gunnell D, Middleton N, Whitley E, Dorling D, Frankel S. Why are suicide rates rising in young men but falling in the elderly?—a time-series analysis of trends in England and Wales 1950-1998. Soc Sci Med 2003;57:595-611.
Posted as supplied by the author
Trends in indicators of adolescent health over the past two decades
Key indicator area
Direction of change in past 30 years
Cardiovascular risk
The prevalence of adolescent obesity (defined as BMI ≥95th centile) has quadrupled in representative samples since 1970s, rising from 4-5% in 1972w1 to 8% in the mid 1990sw2 and 21-23% in 2002.
There has been no significant change in prevalence of regular smoking amongst adolescents aged 11-15 years since 1982,w3 while smoking amongst adults declined significantly during the 1980s and early 1990s.w4
Sexual health
Teenage pregnancy
Live birth rates to women aged 15-19 years in the UK have changed little since the late 1970s, while rates have declined markedly in the same period in other European countries such as Germany and the Netherlands.w5
Rates of uncomplicated Chlamydia infections amongst 16-19 year old females doubled during the 1990s in the UK (PHLS).
Mental health
In contrast to dramatic declines in suicide rates amongst men and women over 45 years of age between 1950 and 1998, amongst 15-24 year olds, suicide rates doubled in young men and remained stable in young women.w6 w7
Posted as supplied by the authors
Inpatient and daycase bed use by adolescents 12-19 years in the UK, 1999
From RM Viner.National survey of use of hospital beds by adolescents aged 12 to 19 in the United Kingdom. BMJ, Apr 2001; 322: 957 – 958. NB. This graph has been corrected from that published, which inverted inpatient and day case data. Data does not include obstetric or mental health bed use.
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