Intended for healthcare professionals


More on compulsory registration of clinical trials: GSK has created useful register

BMJ 2005; 330 doi: (Published 24 February 2005) Cite this as: BMJ 2005;330:479
  1. Ronald Krall, senior vice president, Worldwide Development,
  2. Frank Rockhold (, senior vice president, Biomedical Data Sciences
  1. GlaxoSmithKline, Upper Merion, PA 19087, USA

    EDITOR—The editorial by Abbasi and letters in response illustrate the considerable interest in the registration of clinical trials.1 2 As a pharmaceutical company that has created a register to communicate the results of clinical trials of our marketed products, GlaxoSmithKline would like to bring to your attention the decisions we have taken to make our register worthwhile and meaningful to the medical profession and …

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