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Student Reviews


BMJ 2004; 329 doi: (Published 01 September 2004) Cite this as: BMJ 2004;329:0409348

The Winnie the Pooh stories have much to teach us about achieving wellbeing (which in turn results in a happier, healthier, and longer life). In “Knowing the difference between biscuit coughs and real coughs” Rabbit warns about the importance of not wasting the time of doctors by seeking treatment for self limiting conditions such as little coughs and colds. But if the biscuit cough becomes persistent, then it's time to seek medical attention (LifeLessons from Winnie the Pooh. London: Egmont Books, 2004).

The world's first beauty pageant solely for women who have had their looks created by a plastic surgeon will be staged in China in November. Women from countries including China, South Korea, Japan, and Malaysia will have to produce doctors' certificates to confirm that their looks are not natural before battling it out for the dubious honour of being Miss Plastic Surgery (

The list of imaginative remedies for snoring is ever growing, and the latest addition comes from researchers in Melbourne. They claim that 80% of snorers were …

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