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Compulsory registration of clinical trials: Publicly funded national register of trials would be best in the United Kingdom

BMJ 2004; 329 doi: (Published 28 October 2004) Cite this as: BMJ 2004;329:1043
  1. Lesley Stewart, head, meta-analysis group (,
  2. Claire Vale, clinical trials manager, UK National Register of Cancer,
  3. Janet Darbyshire, director
  1. MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London NW1 2DA
  2. MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London NW1 2DA

    EDITOR—We support the statement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors on trial registration discussed by Abbasi,1 2 but we reiterate that currently no register satisfies all requirements.

    The UK National Register of Cancer Clinical Trials meets the criteria in that it is freely available, managed by a not for profit organisation, and stores all required data items. It is, however, restricted to UK randomised …

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