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Planning your elective: Vanuatu

BMJ 2004; 328 doi: (Published 01 January 2004) Cite this as: BMJ 2004;328:040129
  1. Mark Wilson, author of The Medic's Guide to Work and Electives Around the World1
  1. 1University College Hospital, London

Mark Wilson gives the low down about planning your elective in Vanuatu

Vanuatu is a cluster of 80 small islands in the South Pacific lying in a triangle formed by the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and New Caledonia. The main island is Efaté, which is the third largest. The islands were originally populated in around 3000 bc and named as the New Hebrides by Captain James Cook in 1774. And until 1980 they were governed jointly by the French and English--now they are independent.

Vanuatu is a developing nation that has preserved its traditional heritage and is largely unspoilt by Western tourism, although the capital is …

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