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Planning your elective: Malawi

BMJ 2003; 327 doi: (Published 01 December 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;327:0312467
  1. Mark Wilson, author of The Medic's Guide to Work and Electives around the World

Mark Wilson gives the basic facts about Malawi

Until the early 1990s, Malawi had been under the dictatorship of Hastings Banda, a general practitioner, who practised in the United Kingdom and then went back to his own country and proclaimed himself president for life. It was a harsh time for the people: imprisonment without trial and other human rights abuses were common. Since 1994, however, democratic elections have been held. The country itself is beautiful. Its most prominent feature, Lake Malawi, supports a sizeable fishing industry.

British passport holders do not need a visa to visit Malawi for stays of up to three months. The rainy season is in the winter (December to March), and this is also when …

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