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Children's right to sight

BMJ 2003; 327 doi: (Published 01 December 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;327:0312454
  1. Clare Gilbert, senior lecturer1,
  2. Haroon Awan, country representative2
  1. 1International Centre for Eye Health, Clinical Research Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London
  2. 2Sight Savers International, House No 2, Street 10, F-7/3, Islamabad, Pakistan

Blindness in children has many causes. Half of them are avoidable, and suitable cost effective interventions are available. Haroon Awan and Claire Gilbert explain the current global situation

Blindness in childhood is a priority of Vision 2020, a global initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness (, even though the worldwide total of 45 million blind people includes only 1.4 million blind children.12 But blind children have a lifetime of blindness ahead, which affects their opportunities for education, employment, and earning. Blindness that starts early in life adversely affects psychomotor, social, and emotional development. And blind children have a higher death rate than their sighted counterparts.

An estimated 500 000 children become blind each year, but, in developing countries, up to 60% are thought to die within a year of becoming blind.2 Almost half of all blindness in children--particularly those in the poorest communities--is due to avoidable causes that are amenable to cost effective interventions.3

Causes in developing countries

Blindness is more common in developing countries firstly because potentially blinding conditions such as vitamin A deficiency, harmful traditional eye remedies, or cerebral malaria are prevalent; these do not occur in affluent societies. Secondly, preventive measures for conditions that have been controlled elsewhere, such as measles, congenital rubella, or ophthalmia neonatorum, …

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