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Student Life

Does my bum look big in this?

BMJ 2003; 327 doi: (Published 01 September 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;327:0309341
  1. Karen Hebert, third year medical student1
  1. 1University of Bristol

s the white coat doomed? Karen Hebert asks whether doctors need a new medical uniform.

Medical students, like any other group, are a diverse mix of people--from the Prada clothed Jimmy Choo wearing clothes horse to the person who wears the same clothes four days in a row and always looks like they have just got out of bed. From a personal point of view our choice of clothing is an indication of our individuality and personal taste. As members of the medical profession, however, choice of clothing becomes more a statement of our professionalism than our personality. What we wear gives out a message to our patients about what type of doctor we are before the consultation even begins. So should there be a case for all medics wearing a uniform? And if so should this be the white coat or scrubs?

White coat washout

Although the white coat used to be the classic symbol of a doctor, this no longer holds true. White coats are generally worn for easy recognition by patients and …

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