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Global Snapshots - Kenya: coping with a history of corruption

BMJ 2003; 326 doi: (Published 01 June 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;326:0306209a
  1. David Blane, intercalating medical student in international health1
  1. 1University College London

Kenya is a fine example of a country which, at first glance, may appear like paradise: from golden sands and clear blue ocean, to herds of wildebeest and sprawling savannah it makes the perfect tourist destination. But on closer inspection, Kenya is struggling to cope with a post-colonial history of government corruption and deep rooted tribal rivalries. Poverty, inequality, and unemployment are endemic. The basic infrastructure--roads, telephones, railways, and the electricity supply--is in disrepair.1 The same is true of the country's healthcare system.

There is a mix …

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