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Global Snapshots - Thailand: the 30 baht health plan

BMJ 2003; 326 doi: (Published 01 June 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;326:0306208a
  1. Hilary Towse, medical student intercalating in international health1
  1. 1University College London

In April 2001, Thailand became one of the first middle or low income countries to introduce universal healthcare coverage to the population. The system covers all previously uninsured people and those from the lowest income groups--more than 30% of the population.1 The system aims to provide the same quality of service as those covered by other forms of insurance--for example, healthcare cover as an employee benefit.

Praised by the World Health Organization, the success of the system will be watched closely as a possible model for other countries. Under this scheme dubbed the “30 baht health …

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