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Student Life

Medical mum

BMJ 2003; 326 doi: (Published 01 April 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;326:0304121
  1. Caroline Burchell, third year medical student1
  1. 1Guy's, King's, and St Thomas's School of Medicine, London

Caroline Burchell has a baby daughter. She tells us what life is like for her and how she copes studying medicine and bringing up a baby

I had not planned to have a baby halfway through medical school, but in my late 20s and living with a supportive partner, I am not in a bad position. In fact, I could not have timed it better if I had tried. My daughter popped out three days after the end of my second year exams, leaving us three whole months to get acquainted before I launched myself headlong into clinics and sent my baby off to nursery five days a week.

I had considered taking a year out but decided that if I didn't get on with it, having started medical school so late, I was in danger of reaching retirement age before I even qualified. I also think going back would have been a much harder adjustment for both me and the baby if I had spent a whole year at …

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