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Student Life

Planning your elective - Honduras

BMJ 2003; 326 doi: (Published 01 February 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;326:030227
  1. Mark Wilson, author of Medic's Guide to Work and Electives Around the World1
  1. 1Royal London Hospital, London

Mark Wilson gives you some tips on arranging your elective in Honduras

Despite being one of the world's biggest banana exporters, Honduras, as this month's elective reports show, is poor. Honduras has been independent from Spain since 1821, but military dictatorships prevented democracy until 1984. Natural disasters--including Hurricane Mitch--have also contributed to Honduras's problems.

Honduras spans Central America and has some beautiful virtually uninhabited coasts and a mountainous interior. Knowledge of Spanish is essential, but the experience makes the effort worthwhile.


The healthcare system is by no means comprehensive: only two thirds of the population live in areas with access to hospitals and clinics. Infectious diseases are rampant. Malaria, cholera, dengue fever (which has had severe outbreaks recently), and visceral leishmaniasis are …

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