Intended for healthcare professionals

Student Careers

Come to the fair

BMJ 2002; 325 doi: (Published 01 December 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;325:0212457
  1. Rhona MacDonald, senior editor1
  1. 1Student BMJ

Rhona MacDonald highlights some of the topics relevant to medical students at this year's BMJ Careers fair

Most UK medical students get anxious whenever they hear the phrase “preregistration house officer matching schemes.” Many myths and unanswered questions are floating around about these schemes. Can you only apply for one? Why do they not all come out at the same time? Why is it still such a lottery? If you relate to this, I can point you in the direction of something which might help--the BMJ Careers fair on the 29 and 30 November 2002. …

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