Intended for healthcare professionals

Student Life

Planning your elective--the Torres Straits

BMJ 2002; 325 doi: (Published 01 July 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;325:0207244
  1. Mark Wilson, author of the Medics Guide to Work and Electives around the World1
  1. 1University College Hospital, London

Mark Wilson gives you some tips on organising an elective in the Torres Straits

This week's elective report gives a detailed description of life in the Torres Straits, a group of over 70 islands just north of Cape Horn, Queensland, Australia. It is not a common elective destination, principally because of difficulty in finding information and its remote location. This article aims to give some details of formal organisations on the islands.

The hospitals and healthcare service

Torres Straits has two hospitals and a number of primary healthcare facilities.

The Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Health Service District is run from Thursday Island Hospital, Douglas Street, PO Box 391, Thursday Island, …

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