Intended for healthcare professionals

Student Reviews

Life as a flexible PRHO trainee

BMJ 2002; 324 doi: (Published 01 June 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;324:0206213
  1. Farnaza Ariffin, pre-registration house officer1
  1. 1London

Are you interested in flexible training for your house officer post? Farnaza Ariffin lets you in on what its really like …

I had never heard of flexible training as a student. I was due to have my first baby during my final year, and I had the dilemma of working full time, sacrificing precious time with my new born child or deferring my preregistration house officer training. When a colleague mentioned flexible training, I realised there could be a third way. I arranged a meeting with the flexible training office, and I spent the next six months organising the job and shopping for baby clothes.

I was paired up with another student and we were offered …

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