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Student Editorials

Discrimination in medicine

BMJ 2002; 324 doi: (Published 01 June 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;324:0206173
  1. Rhona MacDonald, BMJ, editor1
  1. 1Career Focus

Prejudice is rife in medicine. The new discrimination matching scheme from BMJ Careers could help says Rhona MacDonald

As the current political situation in France shows, discrimination is rife. So why should it be any different in medicine? The 50 rapid responses we had to a recent editorial on racism in medicine are proof that discrimination in medicine is alive and well.1 This is hardly surprising, in a culture where a consultant surgeon thinks there is nothing wrong in saying to his junior, “You are not operating on bloody Nigerians here; you are operating on normal human beings.”2

But discrimination has many forms, not just racial. At a time where over 60% students applying to British medical schools are female,3 only 6% of consultant surgeons are.4 In addition, over 90% of women want …

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