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Student Reviews

Minerva: May 2002

BMJ 2002; 324 doi: (Published 01 May 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;324:0205170
  1. M Willet, specialist registrar1
  1. 1obstetrics and gynaecology Tameside General Hospital, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire OL6 9RW

Dietary phytoestrogens, found in soya bean and linseed, are thought to help relieve vasomotor menopausal symptoms. A study of 939 women (Journal of Nutrition 2002;132:276-82) found that a high intake is also associated with a favourable metabolic cardiovascular risk profile. As with hormone replacement therapy, waist:hip ratios and concentrations of triglyceride and low density lipoprotein cholesterol were lower in women with high intakes. Minerva was glad to read that small concentrations of phytoestrogens are also found in wine and beer.

Surgeons performing thyroid surgery may no longer tie the knot. In a case-control study of 86 patients undergoing lobectomy or total thyroidectomy, the harmonic scalpel, which works by using ultrasonic frictional heating to ligate vessels, shortened operative times by almost 30 minutes compared to the conventional “tie and clamp technique” time (Archives of Surgery 2002;137:137-42).

Minerva bids farewell to the birthplace of the BMA. The Worcester Royal Infirmary, in the boardroom of which Sir Charles Hastings founded the BMA in 1832, closed last month. In its place opens the new PFI Worcestershire Royal Hospital. Progress?

Some things dont change. A GP wrote to point out that the BMJ has been delivered to one particular private address in England for 119 years. The span of years covers three different general practitioners who have lived in the same house, …

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