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Student Careers

Grim glamour: what is forensic pathology like as a career?

BMJ 2002; 324 doi: (Published 01 April 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;324:0204111
  1. Richard Jones, final year medical student1
  1. 1Guy's, King's, and St Thomas's Medical School, London

Rob Chapman is one of the few full time Home Office accredited forensic pathologists in practice in England and Wales. He agreed to be interviewed by Richard Jones via mobile phone, having just finished a postmortem examination after a suspicious death

In 13 years in his career, Rob Chapman estimates that he has carried out approximately 12 000 autopsies. He has joined together with several colleagues to provide forensic pathology services in the south east of England. All the team members have a background in academic forensic pathology at Charing Cross, Guy's, and, most recently, St George's medical schools. The group covers much of the metropolitan police area, where the homicide rate this year is running at a depressing one each day.

Why did you choose a career in forensic pathology?

I really started my career in forensic pathology by accident: I was working as an senior house officer in pathology, in which I rotated throughout various pathology specialties. The opportunity …

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