In brief…
BMJ 2002; 324 doi: (Published 01 February 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;324:02027bMEDSIN wants more teaching on homelessness:
Members of the British arm of the Medical Students' International Network want medical schools to provide teaching on treating homeless people. They say that the NHS is failing the homeless. Such teaching is not available at any UK medical school.
Applications to UK medical schools rise:
The University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) has released its application figures for the 2002 UK placements. Applications to medical schools showed an 18% increase over 2001. The increase was greater for women (19.5%) applicants than for men (15.9%). Nearly 60% of undergraduates at UK medical schools are women.
MDU runs a finals revision course:
The Medical Defence Union is running a surgery revision course later this year to help final year medical students before their exams come round. The course is run on evenings over 10 weeks and covers topics ranging from venous disease to pancreatic conditions. It is open to all student MDU members. Non-members may also be able to attend. Call 0800 716 376 for further information or visit
Nottingham to host rugby sevens tournament:
Nottingham University Medical School students are running the third annual Nottingham National Medics Sevens Tournament. The tournament will take place on Saturday 16 March and is in aid of charity. All UK and Ireland medical schools are invited to enter teams. Contact for more information.
International section update:
The Student BMJ international student section, at, is expanding rapidly. Since its launch in October 2001 it has received nearly 70 submissions and is still growing. Get online and add your own submission; read about other medical students around the world; and make contacts overseas, perhaps for electives.
Originally published as: Student BMJ 2002;10:7