Intended for healthcare professionals

Student Education

Picture Quiz

BMJ 2001; 323 doi: (Published 01 December 2001) Cite this as: BMJ 2001;323:0112458a
  1. Raj Thakkar, senior house officer1
  1. 1Wycombe General Hospital

Case history

A 76 year old woman presented at the accident and emergency department with increasing shortness of breath and fatigue for the past few weeks. Nevertheless, she continued to smoke. She reported that her clothes had become loose recently. On examination the left side of her chest was dull to percussion and she had reduced breath sounds on that side.


  1. What is the diagnosis?

  2. Describe the chest radiograph and what are the other causes of the abnormality?

  3. What would you expect to find on clinical examination in a patient with this condition?


  1. Bronchogenic carcinoma

  2. The chest radiograph shows …

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