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Student Reviews

Angelhead. My brother's descent into madness

BMJ 2001; 323 doi: (Published 01 October 2001) Cite this as: BMJ 2001;323:0110396b
  1. Sally-Ann S Price, fourth year medical student1
  1. 1University of Leeds

“My brother saw the face of God. You never recover from a trauma like that.” This is the beginning of Michael Bottoms's descent into madness. The journey was a long and painful one characterised by desperation and ultimately despair. Consequently, this—his brother's account of the journey—is a dark and arduous book.

Michael developed schizophrenia after taking LSD. Perhaps the LSD contributed; perhaps it precipitated that first psychotic episode; perhaps it played no part at all. Bottoms remembers that Michael had always been odd, mean, and violent. There was …

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